
Showing posts from November, 2018

Hegemony code - key theory 8 (feminist theory)

Hegemony:  Dominance over a group or person through coercion and consent. Key theory 8 - Feminist theory - Lisbet Van Zoonen   Promotes the idea that gender is constructed through discourse, and that its meaning varies according to cultural and historical context. The idea that the display of women's bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of western patriarchal culture.   The idea that the male that is mainstream culture the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the male body as spectacle differ from those used to objectify the female body.  Sexualisation:  To make something, be it person or object exhibit sexual aspects.  To define somebody purely by their perceived physical attractiveness.  Objectification:  To present somebody as something inanimate or unfeeling To define somebody purely by their use or function.  An ideology can be used to normalise the domin...
Logo Analysis: The raw simplicity coveys the elegance and wealth and that this the consumer of the business would have. The two rotated 'G's represent the actual brand name 'Gucci'. Chanel as well as Fendi use this technique to show elegance and class. The colour black is used to make this logo bold and stand out.  The linked G's also makes the logo looks like a linked chain or rings. This conveys a sense of togetherness and wholeness which manipulates the consumer to buy their products to feel complete. Also real chains (gold chained necklaces) are something that is really expensive and again the majority of the consumers would buy.   The founder of Gucci is called Guccio Gucci which is represented with the interlocked G's  The smooth lines and curves of this logo make the logo and the name of the brand really stand out. Lead story = the main article or story in the newspaper. Gutter =  The inside margins closest to the spine of a book or the...

Representation Bible

Representation  Bible -  The study of representation looks at:  The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues e.g. tone, colour, editing. The message about the group or issue being created within the text. The impact of this message on the target audience.                                                                       POINT          EVIDENCE       ARGUMENT  Daily mail - article on 'scantly women posing with a messy backdrop'  Representing young confident girls which are proud or want to show off their physique. The way they are represented is in a very sexualised, manipulating way to emphasise their message.  ...

Politics ideologies

Key term: ideology  A system of ideals and beliefs but often used to describe the ways in which those in power use their power to distort meaning.  Can be used to normalise the dominant ideas of ruling class.  Right-Wing  Right - wing parties  include conservatives, Christian democrats, classical liberals, nationalists and on the far- right ; racists and fascists. The majority of their supporters are the employers. They work for more free trade rather than  Left-Wing  Left - wing politics  supports social equality. The term  left - wing  can also refer to "the radical, reforming, or socialist section of a  political  party or system". The majority of their supporters are the workers. They work to get fair trade, fair work. 

Regulation of the film industry and key theory 13

Regulation of the film industry Age certificates - Uc=  Universal particularly suitable for unsupervised children U=  Universal, suitable for all  PG=  Parental guidance   12/12A= Suitable for 12 years or older 15 =  15 years and up 18=  18 years and up  R18=  To shown at only licensed cinemas  E=  E certificate is an unofficial rating sometimes applied to video titles released in the United Kingdom Key theory 13 - Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Hunt  The increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of the digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk.  N.W.A -

Advantages to a newspaper portraying a particular ideology:

Component one - media Introduction to the times and constructing representations:  Advantages to a newspaper portraying a particular ideology: leans to one particular political party this maximizes the target audience and categorises the market for tabloids and newspapers. Broadsheet:  'quality' or 'serious' press, to be taken seriously  Aimed at a higher social groupings More serious headings  Plainer layout (little colour on the front page, smaller typeface suggests readers will make more effort to read it). Longer articles in more detail Tabloids e.g. Daily Mirror, the sun: "popular' press Aimed at a lower class of people  Bold layout, very bold with a lot of colour so it can stand out, with large dramatic pictures Shorter articles, more pictures, less 'in-depth' detail within  Puns and jokes in the dramatic headlines  Use of gimmicks such as bingo, free travel tickets etc.  Polysemy = not everything has on...

Key theory 12 - power and media industries - Curren and Seaton

Key theory 12 - power and media industries - Curren and Seaton  The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by profit and power Media concentration limits variety, creativity and quality More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions - creating a better and more diverse industry.  Straight outta Crompton - context   Was produced by legendary pictures who entered into partnership with universal pictures ( the films distributor) in 2014 Universal is owned by NBC Universal, a Com-cast company Is essential to notes the film was produced and distributed by a major, vertically intergrated film studio that is part of a media conglomerate os significant in terms of funding, possibilities for cross-promotion and reaching a global audience.  N.W.A - historical context  Genre = Hip-hop/ rap genre of music,  Representation= Stereotypial group of black...

Film Industry - week one - key theory 14 (cultural industries)

Film industry Week one  Introduction of the film industry Purpose of any media product = any purpose of any piece from the media is to make profit The birth of the film industry  The earliest films were in black and white, under a minute long and without recorded sound. During the 1890s films became several minutes long and started to consist of several shots Standardised product definition Standardization  or  standardisation  is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards organizations and governments  Standardization can help to maximize compatibility Operating much like a factory, Hollywood films were still made in warehouses and offices. They are made using the industrialised labour of a variety of specialised production techniques.  Classical Hollywood cinema - cinema as production line Film making practic...