Representation Bible

Representation  Bible - 

The study of representation looks at: 

  1. The group, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.
  2. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues e.g. tone, colour, editing.
  3. The message about the group or issue being created within the text.
  4. The impact of this message on the target audience. 
                                 POINT          EVIDENCE       ARGUMENT 

Daily mail - article on 'scantly women posing with a messy backdrop' 

Representing young confident girls which are proud or want to show off their physique. The way they are represented is in a very sexualised, manipulating way to emphasise their message. 
Message is that these girls should be frowned upon for looking like this and put on social media, no one initially payed attention to their 'messy rooms' but instead their physique.  

Impact of this is for the audience or consumer to now consequently taking note on what the backdrop is for these sort of  photos instead of the actual content. 

Subtexts: Daily mirror  vs The Times 

The headline of this article gives the women that this article is focusing  on a nickname of 'Hermit', this immediately  shames this women even stating that she has lost a lot of weight. The small subheading/description of this article uses a lot of body shaming language to emphasise how 'fat' she was 'two years'. The publisher  use the stereotype of people eating and gaining a lot of weight during a period of grieving after a death to use as an excuse for being able to publish this article and call her a 'hermit'.

This is exaggerating how big she is and how she was unable to do a lot.
This immediately shames her physique and embarrasses her own identity. 

The message for this article is basically promoting the idea that if 'Steph Skyes' has been able to loose 12 stone then anyone is able to. 

The impact on the audience and the consumer is to act upon 'losing weight' or getting fitter after reading this article. This side bar is recommended. 


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