Regulation of the film industry and key theory 13

Regulation of the film industry

Age certificates -

Uc=  Universal particularly suitable for unsupervised children
U=  Universal, suitable for all 
PG=  Parental guidance  
12/12A= Suitable for 12 years or older
15 =  15 years and up
18=  18 years and up 
R18=  To shown at only licensed cinemas 
E=  E certificate is an unofficial rating sometimes applied to video titles released in the United Kingdom

Key theory 13 - Regulation - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Hunt 

  • The increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, distribution and marketing of the digital media, have placed traditional approaches to media regulation at risk. 
N.W.A -


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