
Showing posts from October, 2018

Media Mock Notes

Media Mock Notes  Ideology= the beliefs and values of a media, that the producer/publisher creates. Intertextuality= When the media makes references to other texts in the media, this creates context  and deeper meaning.  Positioning= (Stuart Hall's theory) each media text that is created to place the audience in a particular position in relation to the text.  Lexis= the way of which language is specifically used in the media e.g. informal, formal language. Diametric opposition= When in the media two opposites are made, separated by a diameter (exact opposites) (also called binary opposition) Paradigmatic feature=  visual code  or  technical code  that shows the audience what genre something is. Two theoretical perspectives that have been credited to Stuart hall is the theory of representation and stereotypes,  how it is a mixture of representing, repeating and some change. He is is credited for the theor...

Key assessment one -

Key assessment one -  Short answer questions  The Ideology in the media are the beliefs and values that the publisher/producer creates. This creates a deeper meaning for the audience.  The intertexuality is when the media makes references to other texts in the media, this creates context and more deeper meaning for the audience.  Positioning (credited to Stuart Hall's theory) is when each text in the media is created to place the audience in a particular position in relation to the text.  The lexis is y the way of which language is specifically used in the media e.g. informal, formal language, direct, indirect.  Diametric opposition is when in the media two opposites are made, separated by a diameter (exact opposites) (also called binary opposition) Paradigmatic feature is when a v isual code  or  technical code is used  that shows the audience what genre something is. This is part of a classification method, that...

Audience Pt.2

The effects model, Aka the hypodermic needle theory:  This theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response. They express the view that the media is dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the specific message. People are seen as passive and are see as having a lot of media material "shot" at them.  Two types of audience theory: Passive audience theories - doing something without intention and without question  The cultivation theory  Hypodermic needle theory  Active audience theory- When you question something with intention Reception theory Encoding = when your coding something, hiding something beneath the surface. Decoding = when you break it apart to reveal something, deeper meaning that was hidden  ...

Why is media studies so preoccupied with audience? and key theory 16/17

Introduction - why is media studies so preoccupied with audience? Because media wouldn't exist without the audience Audience is essential in media studies. We as consumers are targeted and positioned according to our culture, class, gender and ethnicity.  Demographics - social status/class  E.g upper class, lower class, working class, middle class, Skilled working class  Psychographics - The classification of people according to attitudes, aspirations and other psychological criteria's: E.g.     Aspirers: people who want to appear rich and attractive Reformers: people who want social change, are unimpressed by status and make decisions based on their values Explorers: adventurous people who like taking risks  Mainstreamers: people who 'follow the crowd' Key theory 16 - George Gerbner - cultivation theory Does TV manipulate our own ideology of things?  "The idea that prolonged ad heavy ex...

Genre and hybridity

Genre Hybridity:   A selection and mix of things that may fit into one or more genres/categories  E.g friends the tv show can fit into drama and sit-com.  Genre:   Classification method to categorise things  Theory: Neale  Neale  believes that genre is essentially instances of  'repetition and difference'.  He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a  certain genre  - but must also  subvert  these conventions in order to not appear identical. Also believes that it is essential for there to be repetition but also change and have some difference, in order to engage the audience.  Colossal - movie  What genre is this media product? An example of a hybrid genre. fantasy/supernatural  Comedy Action  Drama/comedy Rom-com  Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that constru...

3 audio visual adverts in terms of narrative representation:

3 audio visual adverts in terms of narrative representation: In this advert the producer conveys a narrative story of a little boy and his 'imaginary' monster under his bed. This particular advert has a set structure, at the very beginning the child doesn't get on with his 'imaginary' monster since he is not able to sleep which, is the equilibrium but then he realises that they can get on and they start bonding with each other and become really good friends (this breaks the initial equilibrium), until it's Christmas day and he gets a night-light that he uses at night. When he uses this light the monster under his bed disappears, therefore this would be the new equilibrium. This sentimental and emotional narrative of this young boy intrigues the audience and makes the audience sympathise for this friendship. This is also a linear narrative as it follows from the lead-up to Christmas up until Christmas day. Although this advert is slightly superfic...

Learning conversation

Learning conversation  What do you think has gone particularly well so far this year? What are your strengths? I think that I have participated well in lesson and write plenty of notes on my blog that will be useful for later.  Strengths: analysing in detail, finding deeper meaning. Identify 3 specific targets for yourself for the rest of this year? They can be both academic and organisational goals? Understand all the media language (key words) in deeper meaning, remember all the theologists for exams, and look at more examples of different types of media.  Do you have any suggestions about the course? Look at more examples of different types of media. 

Narrative and Representation - key theory 2

Narrative and Representation  Key Theory 2 - Narratology - Tvetan Todorv  Todorov's theory is that within narrative, the power is in a state of equilibrium (balance) . As the story progresses the state of equilibrium can change and develop into something new. Each narrative should start with an initial equilibrium. However, the equilibrium is changed after a disruption, resulting in a disequilibrium. The old equilibrium is broken , and therefore a new one must begin . This will repeat during the narrative until we reach a final equilibrium.                                                                          A linear narrative is one that follows a line from the beginning to the end . A non-linear narrative is one that doesn't follow a line from the beginning to the end - it g...

Mini Mock - wonder women advert

Mini Mock In this Wonder women advertisement they use a variety of codes and media language to create deeper meaning and enigmatically allow the audience to question what is taking place in this specific poster or what might they be doing in the movie. This front of the movie 'Wonder woman' is predominantly powered by wonder woman herself. Semiotic codes are used that allow the audience to infer this and create deeper meaning. Wonder women is fiercely looking into the distance, her body is tilted and her face is slightly tilted down. This creates the illusion for the audience that wonder women is superior and looking down at others and also creates the illusion that she is floating through the air which is a proairetic code of movement. The male figure is to the side of wonder women, he is also looking in the same direction, this emphasises to the audience that what they are currently looking at and focussing on is very signifiant and important. This masculine cha...


Genre      Utopia trailer - tv show an example of a hybrid genre thriller - example of thriller because it uses empty shots with dark lighting, creates tension and suspense  range of established shots - empty shots many high angle shots looking down - creating different power status' Uses codes - can tell that something is about to happen Mise-en- scene - a scene with a computer and an ID card, conveying some 'spy'/ investigation ideology  Scene with a large explosion - showing it has aspects of an action film, someone walking away form a large explosion. Neale believes that genre is essentially instances of 'repetition and difference'. He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a certain genre - but must also subvert these conventions in order to not appear identical 

Water Aid Advert

Water Aid    Background information -  The charity Water aid was established in 1981 as a response to a united nations campaign for clean water.  Now works with organisations in 37 African, asian and central American countries plus the pacific region Since 1991 its patron has been Prince Charles  The advert itself -  Created by Atomic London in October 2016, this advert (titles Rain for Good) stars 16 year-old Zambian student Claudia  Aims to show how communities benefit from clean water by depicting normal everyday chores.  'Rain for good'  Binary opposition is used at the very of the advert and throughout, Initially there is binary opposition between the scene of a radio on a ledge near a window where it is raining heavily, making the audience infer that it is in England. This scene quickly cuts to a dry sunny morning in Africa perhaps. Which, has a very different lifestyle to those living in England. Empha...

What is Genre?

Genre  Genre -  A type of media product governed by implicit rules that are shared by the makers of the products and the audience for it (dictionary and media studies) - a specific classification method e.g. action film genre.  Music  Pop Indie  Rnb Reggae  Drill Grime Classical  Jaz Drum and Bass Electro  House music  Rap/Hip-hop Jungle  Opera  Folk music  Country music  Garage music Hybrid genres and subgenres- 'Traditional' genres arguably both less important and less useful as a frame of reference than ever> Both the traditional and the 'new' changeable variation.  Far more important in the study of genre are the notions of sub-genre and generic hybridity.  Generic paradigms -  also known as a genre conventions, are aspects of a media text (for example: editing, mise-en-scene, sound etc) that demonstrate to the audience what genre a media prod...