What is Genre?


Genre - 
A type of media product governed by implicit rules that are shared by the makers of the products and the audience for it (dictionary and media studies) - a specific classification method e.g. action film genre. 

  • Pop
  • Indie 
  • Rnb
  • Reggae 
  • Drill
  • Grime
  • Classical 
  • Jaz
  • Drum and Bass
  • Electro 
  • House music 
  • Rap/Hip-hop
  • Jungle 
  • Opera 
  • Folk music 
  • Country music 
  • Garage music
Hybrid genres and subgenres-
'Traditional' genres arguably both less important and less useful as a frame of reference than ever> Both the traditional and the 'new' changeable variation. 
Far more important in the study of genre are the notions of sub-genre and generic hybridity. 

Generic paradigms - 
also known as a genre conventions, are aspects of a media text (for example: editing, mise-en-scene, sound etc) that demonstrate to the audience what genre a media product would fall under and is. 

Iconography - The familiar sings of a specific genre. 


Horror typical Iconography 
Image result for horror iconographyImage result for horror images
Image result for scary horror housesImage result for clowns itImage result for dark horror lighting


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