Audience Pt.2

The effects model, Aka the hypodermic needle theory: 

  • This theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response.
  • They express the view that the media is dangerous means of communicating an idea because the receiver or audience is powerless to resist the impact of the specific message.
  • People are seen as passive and are see as having a lot of media material "shot" at them. 
Two types of audience theory:
Passive audience theories - doing something without intention and without question 
The cultivation theory 
Hypodermic needle theory 

Active audience theory- When you question something with intention
Reception theory

Encoding = when your coding something, hiding something beneath the surface.

Decoding= when you break it apart to reveal something, deeper meaning that was hidden 

Producers encode the deeper meaning + The audience decodes the text to find 
the deeper meaning 

Diesel advert - Go With The Flaw  campaign (2017)

  • Non-linear timeline, the narrative jumps around because the narrative is like an advert within an advert because the the main concept is that there is someone within this advert who is creating it and putting the different shots together. 
  • The equilibrium is constantly broken and created again since this campaign itself is the movement of uniting people with different individual flaws.
  • Creates the concept and ideology that everyone with flaws should not be ashamed and should all be united by them.
  • Promotes the ideology that individuality is good and should be celebrated (active audience) making the audience question themselves and what makes them them and individual
  • This campaign is full of youth and the younger generation
  • There is no specific genre but it would class under a dark punk/rock genre 
  • There is distinctive binary opposition between the classical sophisticated upper class music and the models/individuals shown in this campaign. This emphasises how different they are in comparison to something we are so familiar: the classical music. 
  • Juxtaposes the music, the complete opposition 


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