Key assessment one -

Key assessment one - 

Short answer questions 

The Ideology in the media are the beliefs and values that the publisher/producer creates. This creates a deeper meaning for the audience. 

The intertexuality is when the media makes references to other texts in the media, this creates context and more deeper meaning for the audience. 

Positioning (credited to Stuart Hall's theory) is when each text in the media is created to place the audience in a particular position in relation to the text. 

The lexis is y the way of which language is specifically used in the media e.g. informal, formal language, direct, indirect. 

Diametric opposition is when in the media two opposites are made, separated by a diameter (exact opposites) (also called binary opposition)

Paradigmatic feature is when a visual code or technical code is used that shows the audience what genre something is. This is part of a classification method, that allows the audience to infer what specific genre the media is classed under, due to having some typical things that are found in it. 

Two theoretical perspectives that have been credited to Stuart hall is the theory of representation and stereotypes.  He believes that representation is a mixture of representing, repeating and some change. He is is credited for the theory of how a product in media constructs the world and the aspects in it, including social groups, individuals. issues and events. 

Media language   

The Tide print advert that was published in 1950s was a series of advertisement that used print swell as radio advertising campaigns in order to build familiarity with these new campaigns, which was promoting washing detergent at the time of World War 1. In this particular advertisement there is a stereotypical attractive animated women who is represented within a series of other conventions that this avert used. Codes such as gesture codes and other conventions are used to manipulate the audience into thinking that they need to invest their money into this product in order to achieve this ideal/successful lifestyle that this figure is implying. For example: The women in this advert is clutching and 'hugging' this household item, showing how important this one item is to her. At the time this advert was published it was very stereotypical for the men to go off and fight at war, and for the women to stay and become a housewife. At the time, this was the norm that everyone experienced. The women in this advert has placed her lips close to the box which make the audience infer that she is about to kiss this household item which emphasises her emotion and shows how personally significant this item is to her. This proairetic code that this women is used to imply how important this item is and how important it is to adapt your role to do 'your part' in war. The colours used are bright and stand out. The red and yellow shades (the dominant colours) on the box grasps the audiences attention and enables the audience to remember this item compared to other items in the market. These colours also stand out against the white background which also allows the text to be spread out across the page for the audience to read. The lexis that is used in direct and forceful towards the audience, making them feel pressured that they need this product. The font used for the lexis in this advert is in sans-serif, which is typically a more informal/younger choice of font . This makes the advert look fun and different. Because this advert creates the ideology that all women should start becoming the ideal house wife that the main women implies, they use a fun looking font to persuade them into buying the item purely for its physical appearance, over the quality of the product. Binary opposition/diametric opposition is also used between the audiences knowledge and the ideal , 'perfect' ideology that this advertisement implies. The audience knows that there is war going on and everyone is forced to adapt their lifestyle due to war, the lifestyle that is conveyed is a complete contrast to the realistic lifestyle that these women have to live through. This makes the audience want to buy this product even more. 

Water aid charity was established in 1981 as a response to a United Nations campaign for clean water. This particular advert Titled of 'rain for good' features a 16 year old Zambian student in Claudia. This personal narrative is used as a way to manipulate the audience into sympathising and subsequently donating towards this international charity. However, in comparison to typical charity adverts which promote their appeal in a  hard hitting, depressing tone; this advert is a perfect example of  how you still can use positive/ less guilty lexis and motives in order to manipulate the audience into appealing towards this advert. Many different semiotics are used in order to create the ideology of this advert E.g. the close up shot of the successful running tap to indicate to the audience that if you donate, this positive movement can be spread to other areas that are in need. The establishing shot of a radio on a windowsill in England instantly creates a binary opposition between grey England and colourful, exciting Africa. This is controversial, because these oppositions can also emphasise how contrasting these two places are. This convention is used to make the audience reflect on how different lifestyles can be. A variety of codes and conventions are used in the charity advert to allow the audience to come on terms to how constructing this day to day lifestyle in like for those who are less fortunate.  For example: the proairetic code of the young girl walking on the dusty road. However, all the codes go against a typical/stereotypical charity advert. This is charity advert is positive and highlights the darker more significant issues that people are  suffering with in the world with a more lighter tone shed on it. The Muse- en- scene of the young girl walking with pink shoes on a dusty, bare track/road (connotative of emptiness)  who is singing a song. this is later sang by more people which creates a inclusive feeling to the audience. Hermetic codes are used  (Barthes) when the left over sound of African bush decreases, this is the enigma code for the audience and creates a pause for the audience so they can think and reflect from watching this charity advert.  This charity is also a non-stereotypical representation of a black teenage girl, goes against the initial stereotypes the audience might have. 

Annihilation - 

In this movie advertisement the main protagonists are looking into the distance, both right and left - making audience wonder what they are paying attention to, this is part of the enigma code due to the suspense that this proairetic code creates, This specific Proairetic code makes the audience think they are going to take action upon whatever they are paying their attention to in the distance. Z line convention is used: the main actor is credited at the top, since Natalie Portman is well known and will encourage the audience to watch this film, this is Used as another way of promotion. Z line convention allows the audience to scan down the advert is a z line movement, enabling them to see everything in the advert. There are two optical illusions (one being a skull and the other being deer, that force the audience to look twice without making a judgement) these illusions are embedded beneath the dominant colour dark blue that is symbolic and represents the colour reef that is the significant background for this advertisement. The Lexis at the bottom of the advert is in a bold sans font, that makes it stand out. There is much smaller lexis beneath the main title which is very stereotypical and traditional of a superficial/sci-fi genre of film. The dark colours of blue and the skull creates this more sci-fi ideology and represents that specific genre more. This particular theory is credited by Stuart Hall. Some could argue that this particular advert uses some intertextuality with the lexis, the  layout and the positioning of the figures and background is similar to the well-known sic-fi movies of Star Wars, which also features the decreasing size of the font until it is almost impossible to read it. 


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