Genre and hybridity


Hybridity:  A selection and mix of things that may fit into one or more genres/categories 
E.g friends the tv show can fit into drama and sit-com. 

Genre:  Classification method to categorise things 

Theory: Neale 

Neale believes that genre is essentially instances of 'repetition and difference'. He suggested that texts need to conform to some generic paradigms to be identified within a certain genre - but must also subvert these conventions in order to not appear identical.

Also believes that it is essential for there to be repetition but also change and have some difference, in order to engage the audience. 

Colossal - movie 

What genre is this media product?

  • An example of a hybrid genre.
  • fantasy/supernatural 
  • Comedy
  • Action 
  • Drama/comedy
  • Rom-com 

Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre.

  • Paradigmatic: conforms an action film because it contains typical explosions and very has a lot of action Mise-en-scene.
  • Fits into a supernatural/sci-fi because it contains a large monster/creature 
  • Paradigmatic: Very clean cuts and upbeat music, this can fit into a comedy/drama 
  • Intertextual reference: Has references to the typical creature film e.g. King-kong. Slight parody against this ideology. 

In what ways does this clip conform to or subvert genre conventions?

  • Conforms with a rom-com genre, features a lady who has recently split from her husband but uses enigma codes to allow the audience to infer what might happen to her and this different man that is tying to help her. 

What examples of generic hybridity are evident, for example through dialogue and narrative structure? 

  • enigmatically doesn't reveal much in the movie trailer and allows the audience to question what might happen in the film and to the main characters. 

MISFITS - tv show 

What genre is this media product?

  • Sci-fi/supernatural
  • Comedy/drama 
  • Romance 
  • Action
  • Crime
  • Teen drama 
Outline the generic paradigmatic and iconographic features that construct this genre.
  • Paradigmatic: contains a group of young teenagers who suddenly get supernatural/ super powers. Weird creatures and powers that they can do 
  • Iconographic: typical groups of english teenagers from different backgrounds with a lot of typical english humor. 
  • Ideology: ideas of teenagers stereotypically going to parties, full of drugs, sex and alcohol. 
  • Intertextual references: references to stereotypical American action films e.g. large scale marvel films and comic books. 


Intertextuality is the shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding to other texts. Texts provide context within which other texts can be created or interpreted. 


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