Media Mock Notes

Media Mock Notes 

Ideology= the beliefs and values of a media, that the producer/publisher creates.

Intertextuality= When the media makes references to other texts in the media, this creates context  and deeper meaning. 

Positioning= (Stuart Hall's theory) each media text that is created to place the audience in a particular position in relation to the text. 

Lexis= the way of which language is specifically used in the media e.g. informal, formal language.

Diametric opposition= When in the media two opposites are made, separated by a diameter (exact opposites) (also called binary opposition)

Paradigmatic feature= visual code or technical code that shows the audience what genre something is.

Two theoretical perspectives that have been credited to Stuart hall is the theory of representation and stereotypes,  how it is a mixture of representing, repeating and some change. He is is credited for the theory of how a product in media constructs the world and the aspects in it, including social groups, individuals. issues and events. 

codes and conventions 

Tide print advert - 1950s - used print and radio advertising campaigns in order to build familiarity with these new campaigns. 

-semiotics code - her hugging and embracing this one particular product 

- binary opposition - between the content looking women and the war going on at the time that the audience is aware of.

  • The women in this advert is clutching and 'hugging' this household item, showing show important this one item is to her. This manipulates the audience into thinking that they need to invest their money and purchase this item in order to achieve this happy lifestyle that this women is implying (gesture codes). 
  • The women in this advert has placed her lips close to the box which make the audience infer that she is about to kiss this household item which emphasises her emotion and shows how personally significant this item is to her. The colours used are bright and stand out. The red and yellow shades on the box grasps the audiences attention and enables the audience to remember this item compared to other items in the market. 
  • (dominant colours) These colours also stand out against the white background which also allows the text to be spread out across the page for the audience to read. 
  • The font used for this advert is in sans-serif, which is typically a more informal/younger choice of font . This makes the advert look fun and different. 

Water aid advertisement - established in 1981 as a response to a United Nations campaign for clean water. Title of 'rain for good' starring a 16 year old Zambian student in Claudia. 

semiotics codes -

  • Different ideology - showing that you still can use positive/ less guilty lexis and motives in order to manipulate the audience into appealing towards this advert. 
  • The establishing shot of a radio on a windowsill in England instantly creates a binary opposition between drab England and colourful, exciting Africa. controversial, because these oppositions can also emphasise how contrasting these two places are. 
  • a variety of codes and conventions are used in the charity advert to allow the audience to come on terms to how constructing this day to day lifestyle in like for those who are less fortunate. 
  • all the codes a go against a typical/stereotypical charity advert. This is charity advert is positive and highlights the darker more significant issues that people are are suffering with in the world with a more lighter tone shed on it. 
  • Muse- en- scene, little girl walking with pink shoes on a dusty, bare track/road (connotative of emptiness)  who is singing a song. this is later sang by more people = positive, inclusive feeling to the audience.  
  • Initial tracking shot at the very beginning, reinforces the lack of wealth. 
  • Shot of the smiling young girls face which connotes a positive and optimistic ideological perspective. 
  • Elements of sound and music: Claudia sings, initially alone, an angelic, innocent song, singing solo with no accompaniment. However, this also emphasizes the lack of resources and opportunities in her life.
  • low angle shot of two children on swing. Enjoying life despite hardship. proairotic code used to show how Africa has a positive future that will eventually keep going up. 
  • Representation and identity - theory credited to Stuart Hall
  • Uses a personal narrative, this creates more of a guilt-trip and makes the audience immediately create a personal bond with the narrator and her typical but contrasting lifestyle. 
  • Costume - colourful costumes, with particular emphasis on bright yellows and pinks. Associations with happiness and positivity - again not stereotypical 
  • Hermuotic codes (Barthes) the left over sound of African bush decreasing is the enigma code for the audience and creates a pause for the audience so they can think and reflect from watching this charity advert.  
  • non-stereotypical representation of a black teenage girl. goes against the initial stereotypes the audience might have.
Annihilation - 

  • Main protagonists looking into the distance, both right and left - making audience wonder what they are paying attention to - enigma code/creates suspense.
  • Proairetic code - makes the audience think they are going to take action upon whatever they are paying their attention to 
  • Z line convention - the main actor is credited at the top, since Natalie Portman is well known and will encourage the audience to watch this film because of this well known actor. Used as another way to promote this film. Z line convention allows the audience to scan down the advert is a z line movement, allowing them to see everything in the advert. 
  • There are two optical illusions (one being a skull and the other being deer, that force the audience to look twice without making a judgement) these illusions are embedded beneath the dominant colour dark blue that represents the colour reef that is the significant background for this advertisement. 
  • the Lexis at the bottom of the advert is in a bold sans font, that makes it stand out. 
  • there is much smaller lexis beneath the main title which is very stereotypical and traditional of a superficial/sci-fi genre of film. 
  • the dark colours of blue and the skull creates this more sci-fi ideology and represents that specific genre more. this theory is credited by Stuart Hall.


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