Mini Mock - wonder women advert

Mini Mock

In this Wonder women advertisement they use a variety of codes and media language to create deeper meaning and enigmatically allow the audience to question what is taking place in this specific poster or what might they be doing in the movie. This front of the movie 'Wonder woman' is predominantly powered by wonder woman herself. Semiotic codes are used that allow the audience to infer this and create deeper meaning. Wonder women is fiercely looking into the distance, her body is tilted and her face is slightly tilted down. This creates the illusion for the audience that wonder women is superior and looking down at others and also creates the illusion that she is floating through the air which is a proairetic code of movement. The male figure is to the side of wonder women, he is also looking in the same direction, this emphasises to the audience that what they are currently looking at and focussing on is very signifiant and important. This masculine character looks less significant in comparison to wonder women The audience can gather this since the colour used for the generic background is a dark patchy blue that represents the sky they are 'floating through', is also used to blend this figure in. I believe the producer purposely did this to conflict against the stereotypical ideology that the majority of action/marvel films follow; the masculine the main protagonist and the female character is less significant. This ideology that the producer has created allows this advert to become memorable and stand out from all the other action/marvel films. The producer also uses a Z line that follows from the top of the mans head, across wonder women sword that eventually leads down to the gold sans-serif front of 'Wonder' which also reinforces the enigma of this iconic looking duo. The muse-en-scene of the these two significant/bold figures soaring through the air with the lit up sword creates a memorable and interesting image in the audiences mind. The lit up section of the sword is directly in the middle of the advertisement which draws the audiences eyes directly to the centre of the advert. 


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