
Showing posts from February, 2019

Brand identity - Adbusters

Brand identity  What is ideology/ethos of adbusters?  They agree with collaborative journalism as opposed to consumerist journalism. They campaign with the 'occupy movement'  w hereby they are   going to start occupying the media power centres to make sure they’re working for them and not for the corporations. How does Adbusters subvert traditional magazine conventions, especially in relation to advertising? In comparison to very consumerist journalism and the media industry [who are significantly dominated by advertisements for the audience], Adbusters pride themselves by not having/using any adverts in their articles to reinforce their detailed articles which should be payed for attention rather than what is very advertised.  How does the magazine interact with its audience?  They use a lot of culture jamming  to educate and reinforce what really is important for the audience and their future (especially for a younger target a...
The study of representation looks at: The groups, place or issue on which a media text is focusing. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues. The message about the group or issue being created within the text. The impact of this message on the target audience.  Analyse the representations, focusing on the following questions: How are representations of ethnicity constructed? Uses stereotypes of a African ethnic group to represent this. The reason it uses a generalised stereotype that this is probably from Africa to think about race and how society sterotype race (black against white).  How do these representations reflect the industry context/ideology of Adbusters? (unconventional, challenging) This goes against typical advert in this industry, Louibouton shoes are well-known for the red bottoms for expensive heels. This is also shown in this image as these feet would have raw red soles from walking arou...
What value of Nike products given in this wings: Showing that these shoes are very valuable to him  Even though these shoes are very personal and valuable to him, it is something that everyone else has. The shoe was more than just a shoe to him, making him think that he is fulfilling his inspirations and goals of doing well in basketball. Commodity Fetishism:  Marxist ideology:  The process of ascribing magic 'phantom-like' qualities to an object, whereby the human labour required to make that object is lost once the object is associated with a monetary value for exchange. Patricia Louie. Representational issues:  This is just an image of a modern styled tap with the title or slogan of 'HIM'. They might of given it this title because the way it is presented is very masculine so they might as well call it 'Him'. This implies that men always live a luxuerious, stylish life.  As this is a anti-consumerist article this particular ...
How does adbusters conform to and subvert stereotypical representations of gender?  Stereotypical - relating to a widely commonly held belief of a specific group or individual in society. Conforms - When something doesn't comply with rules, standards or laws that are typically seen as socially acceptable.  Subverts - the undermining of power or authority of an established system.  Objectification - the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object. Making an individual become a pocession.  Sexualisation - to make something or an individual sexual in character or quality, especially relating between men and women in society.  Hegemony - the leadership or domination, especially by one state, social group or gender.  Patriarchal hegemony - a belief that there is inequality between gender due to the fact that men are seen as superior and more powerful than women in society.  Challenges - a call to prove or just...

Adbusters and Culture Jamming

Adbusters  'Culture jamming' = hijacking or re-routing meaning or knowledge, to create new ideologies and parody meaning. E.g. Banksy's work The practice of criticising and subverting advertising and consumerism in the mass media, by methods such as producing advertisements parodying those of global brands.  Iceland ideologies - Affordable  For a lower demographic  Cheap mass production Processed food  Apple dominant ideology - Mass production Poor working condition for workers Cheap labour in foreign countries  Big profits and expensive products  Genres:  Political issues Horror/gothic themes Very subversive magazine