What value of Nike products given in this wings:

  • Showing that these shoes are very valuable to him 
  • Even though these shoes are very personal and valuable to him, it is something that everyone else has.
  • The shoe was more than just a shoe to him, making him think that he is fulfilling his inspirations and goals of doing well in basketball.
Commodity Fetishism: 
Marxist ideology: 

  • The process of ascribing magic 'phantom-like' qualities to an object, whereby the human labour required to make that object is lost once the object is associated with a monetary value for exchange. Patricia Louie.

Representational issues: 

  • This is just an image of a modern styled tap with the title or slogan of 'HIM'. They might of given it this title because the way it is presented is very masculine so they might as well call it 'Him'.
  • This implies that men always live a luxuerious, stylish life. 
  • As this is a anti-consumerist article this particular advert is a piss-take and trying to show how they are purposefully trying to create commodity fetishes to try attract the audience, when thousands of people are dying due to lack of clean safe drinking water, and viruses spread through water. 
  • This advert is a double page spread which reinforces what ideology they are trying to convey.
  • Emphasises what consumers take for granted and how the media and advertisement industry are so ambiguious to do with issues like these. 

How does Adbusters use representations to present ideologies to position it's audiences? Make reference to explicit examples for the Kill yourself, save the planet

Ideology: Trying to emphasise the damage we cause in the world and what things we do and underestimate the damage of it.

Audience's response: Gives such a depressing tone to the audience and makes the audience feel very guilty about what they do/buy without realising the damage 

Language Techniques: Uses very dramatic lexis that is very factual, this makes it very dramatic for the audience whilst reading.

Lexis/colour: The colour is very bleak and dull to make it look like any other article, but as this article is very depressing it pulls the audience in and makes the audience read on by ignoring the appearance of the article. 

Font style: The font is sans which is very plain, emphasises the factual information. 


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