The study of representation looks at:

  1. The groups, place or issue on which a media text is focusing.
  2. The technical devices the media text uses in order to present these groups or issues.
  3. The message about the group or issue being created within the text.
  4. The impact of this message on the target audience. 

Analyse the representations, focusing on the following questions:

How are representations of ethnicity constructed?

Uses stereotypes of a African ethnic group to represent this. The reason it uses a generalised stereotype that this is probably from Africa to think about race and how society sterotype race (black against white). 

How do these representations reflect the industry context/ideology of Adbusters? (unconventional, challenging)

This goes against typical advert in this industry, Louibouton shoes are well-known for the red bottoms for expensive heels. This is also shown in this image as these feet would have raw red soles from walking around with bare feet. There is a double meaning for the slogan/tagline that is used "red-soles that are always in season" this emphasises that for these people they quite literally have red-soles all seasons. 

How is the audience positioned in relation to these representations?

This is a powerful and link between industry and reality of people's lives.  This an explicit image and ideology for the audience to think about. It also makes the audience reflect themselves and feel guilty for the small things that society in general take for granted; whilst knowing how some children have to consider these at shoes in comparison to LouBouton shoes which are worth thousands.

How can Stuart Hall's ideas be applied to these pages? (non white ethnicity being represented as-an other).

The colours are bland and not distinctive, to show how empty these lives are that are represented in this advert. This advert makes the audience read between the lines to realise the explicit/dark message. 

Deliberately challenging, subversive, and upsetting material: 


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