Key terms/terminology:
Key terms/terminology: Ideology: The beliefs and values of a media. Dominant Ideology: The set of ideas or culture that is most common or widely accepted in a society. The dominant ideology can change over time. This always changes. Connotation: Way in which meaning is created, deeper meaning. Enigma: A question that is not immediately answered and therefore draws an audience in, making them interested in finding out the answer. Neologism: This phrase is used to describe a new trend that newly emerges. Protagonist: A character who drives the narrative forward (a main figure/character) Realism: Techniques in which a media text represents ideas and images that are held to have a true relationship with the actual world around us. Intertextuality: Intertextuality is the shaping of texts meaning through referencing or alluding to other texts. Texts provide context within which other texts can be created or interpreted....