Key theory 6 - Stuart Hall - Theories of representation

Key theory 6 - Stuart Hall - Theories of representation 

  • Re/presentation 
  • Re/peat
  • Re/mix
The ways in which a media product constructs the world and the aspects in it, including social groups, individuals. issues and events. 

Lindt Lindor - 'Do you dream in chocolate?'- 2011

In what ways is Lindor brand chocolate represented in this advert?
It is represented as something that is luscious which is a luxury. It is represented as it is something very personal.  Conveyed at something that is expensive. The combination of the colours red and gold represent wealth and love/affection. 

In what ways do technical elements construct this representation?
Their use of sound is very slow, soft and gentle which is creates a calm atmosphere which is possibly used to lure the audience in. There are many of shots of the women which are very close up, this provokes the idea of sexual/sensual ideology. There are some effects like blurring between shots which again emphasise the luxurious ideology. 

What are the potential ideological consequences of this advertisement?
The audience could suggest that the women in this advert is being objectified by the man (chef) in the uniform. There are also many sexual ideas that can be provoked by the advert. Therefore, this advert wouldn't be suitable for a young crowd of people.

Super-bowl commercial break - 2015

What groups of represented in this commercial break?
The groups of people were very diverse ranging from different ages to different ethnicity. There were many famous/well-known actors in these adverts which would appeal to the audience even more if they recognise the people featuring in the advert. 

What messages and ideologies are presented about these group?
There is an emphasised ideology that America is open to all individuals of colour, age, ethnicity etc. They have also reinforced the idea of comedy and humour throughout all the adverts e.g. an advert looking like a movie but is really an advert for a travel agency featuring comedians. This makes the adverts more casual and more realistic to what the audience are actually thinking while watching this commercial break.  There are also many parodies around typical adverts and generally what is the definition of an advert. 

What does this commercial break say about America in 2015?
These diverse adverts are a massive contrast to the typical 'less diverse' adverts that used to be shown years ago. This massive comparison is purposely done to show how far America has come. 


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