Video game theorist

Video Games 
Audience Theory: 

(Audience) Albert Bandura:

The idea that we are more likely to imitate what we see Video games make us more violent.

Ultimate-doom = controversial game

blamed for a lot of violent acts- school shootings in America.


Assassins creed 

  • oppositional reading, strong woman for main characters
  • follows a storyline, to create narrative and position the audience to lead the way 
  • Sound effects e.g. groans and noises showing emotion, making the game more realistic 
  • When taken out of context, this game can be viewed as threatening or damaging to someones mentality.
Albert's Bobo Doll theory and its relevance to videogames: 

How can we critique this theory?
  • This doll is merely created to keep coming back up, showing that this is created for violent act of punching etc. Critical of the theory as they only conformed against it because of the type of doll
  • Most of the kids they tested this experiment on were girls, when they could've possibly done an equal split between girls and boys as boys have a higher levels of teisterone which influences aggression. 
  • the theory itself is outdated and it is not realistic. 
Video games encode ideologies and meanings = audience can decode these meanings and ideologies in many oppositional ways. 

any theory on perception, audience, encoding, decoding meanings, secondary audiences, primary audience = ALL CAN BE CREDITED TOWARDS STUART HALL 


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