HUMANS - Analysis
HUMANS - analysis
Allegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. A metaphor that makes a broader comment on society.
Zeitgeist: The 'spirit of the time'
Allegory: a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. A metaphor that makes a broader comment on society.
Zeitgeist: The 'spirit of the time'
- Humans can comment of themes of slavery, and how materialistic the world is today. Needing things that aren't necessary but just want it anyway.
- Exploiting the modern day technology but not knowing the actual worth.
Sci-fi genre
Using the concepts of allegory and zeitgeist, media producers can encode a range of ideological perspectives that may not be apparent to all audiences.
- The Godzilla (1954) itself can be a metaphor for the atomic bomb
- The United States detonated two atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.
- causing massive damage and high death toll
- conspiracy theories around the supernatural and beliefs around aliens
- The Roswell incident, caused big discussion on the belief of aliens and scared society. This genre used this to create proposed narratives around abduction and aliens.
Independence Day (USA,1996)
- The white house shows the significance of this narrative, showing global scale
- Independence day, important day for America.

Allegorical aspects
What sci-fi genre conventions can you identify?
- Robots
- High tech background music
- Flashbacks
How do they explore real world issues?
- Racism
- The scare of how fast modern technology is developing
- Sexualisation
- Prostitution
- Materialism
- Unpaid labour/ slavery
- Commodity fetishism
What impact does this have on the spectator?
- Creates tension for the spectator, makes them feel uncomfortable to how realistically futuristic this is.
- Makes the spectator fear the future and if this could potentially happen.
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