Ideology on Attitude - media language

Ideology on Attitude 

  • quick user engagement
  • active narrative
  • emotive lexis
  • gossip style content 
  • emphasis on celebrity
  • informal mode of address
  • middle class
  • social media promotion
  • inclusivity
  • blend of 'serious' story
  • Sexualisation of the male body
  • stereotypical representations 

The website homepage 

  • Websites can be deconstructed like any other media form.
  • They are encoded with meaning through their use of signs and signifiers (Barthes)
  • media language refers to Technical codes (layout, design, imagery...), visual codes (colour, muse-en scene) and language codes (mode of address and language style)
  • The basic principles of Print media (magazines and newspapers) apply in that a fundamental audience appeal is constructed from layout and design with the key fact that websites have their own conventions.

What does semiotics actually mean?

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols, Every aspect of a media product is a sign, whether it is a shot type, camera angle, graphic, font, sound effect or any other part of media language. So semiotic analysis is pointing out what the different parts of a media product mean. 

Proairetic code:

Headline 'flaming' lexis - shows very ambiguous title, suggests that this is a serious case. Appealing for the audience draws them to read on. 
short engaging pull-quote to with-hold information 
Mugshot is used as an action code.
this platform of online media elevates this and engages the audience from it. 

Tabloid conventions:
  • the tabloid is the closest form of traditional media that compares with the 'look' and design of a website including a:
    -simplistic and minimalist layout - boxes, vertical columns no more than 60 characters, wide and sub-headings
  • high ration of photography to text
  • restricted language code
  • inclusive familiar mode of address
  • evidence of synergy and convergence 

Binary oppositions 

  • the idea that texts can be best be understood through an examination of their underlying structure
  • the idea that meaning is dependent upon (and produced through) pairs of oppositions 
  • the idea that way in which these binary oppositions are resolved can have particular ideological significance.

Binary oppositions in Attitude magazine 

Attitude seemingly focuses on Binary oppositions relating to competing set of values as well as different individuals, groups and cultures.

  • Binary vs tolerance 
  • belonging vs alienation
  • developed vs underdeveloped world 

In what ways does this product use media language to encode the ideology of the producer. 

Attitude was founded in 1994 and is the UK's best-selling gay magazine. Attitude magazine promotes their content to a homosexual audience and empowers this minority through its renowned for its high profile celebrity features and its worldwide influence. The producer has the intention to bring the audience and the content on page closer together to draw a big influence and popularity to this magazine.

On one of Attitude's multi-media platforms; the online website immediately uses Tabloid like stylistic features to convey simplistic and minimalist. This convention allows the audience to not get too distracted by the visual layout but is instead pulled to the informative content inside. A stereotypical tabloid convention which Attitude magazine adapts is the use of inclusive familiar mode of address, the informality within the language creates a smaller barrier between the producers intentions and the audience. Although the language is informal the producer intends to aim this magazine for a middle class heterosexual audience. This can be suggested through many signifier codes and use of advertisement on the websites page. The the theory of signifers and signs can be credited towards Roland Barthes. advertisement that they use vary from Poker/gambling advertisement to promotion for Mercedes cars. these particular adverts aim for a wealthier audience who have the money to potentially buy into this advertisement.


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