Specialized audience - assassins creed application

Specialized Industry 

  • interactivity 
  • huge expenditure of resources 
  • much higher RRP
  • significantly longer length 
  • a dedicated 'core' target audience, more specific 
  • games developed for specific hardware, or released multi platform 
Example: Assassins Cred 111 - liberation 
  • Published by Ubisoft in 2012 for the playstation vita, with a subsequent HD re-release for playstation 3  and Xbox 360.
How does the trailer for Assassins Creed target a specialised audience and generalized audience?

Mass audience 
  • the rating being 18
  • having a female lead character with different ethnicity 
  • cinematic - similar to a film trailer 
  • Hermeneutic code (questions must be answered)
  • soundtrack - non diegetic drama music - intensifies as trailer progresses 
  • The narrative is clearly one of the main aspects that is used to sell the game/product
  • the cinematography - closeups, low angles, establishing shots, slow mo effects.
  • genre - stealth genre familiar to audiences
  • 18 certificate - scenes with violence, crime 
  • Title (HD) - knowledgable, advancements in gameplay 
  • New missions - etc 
  • Mis-en-scene - traditional setting, stereotypical setting and backdrops for a violent game like Assassins Cred. 


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