Video game questions - hw

Cupheads Game

What is the narrative style of the game? (non/linear? Equilibrium? Disruptions?)
It has a linear equilibrium with the narrative of either one or two players taking control of animated characters Cuphead and his brother Mugman to fight through several levels that culminate in boss fights, in order to repay their dept to the devil. This game was released in 2017 by StudioMDHR

What genre (s) can you identify? (paradigms, iconography, hybridity etc.)
Fits under an action/animation, hybrid genre as it can have interpretations under a variety of ideologies. Intertexuality of Mickey Mouse and classic/original games. opens to a audience of variety of ages

How are we as an audience interacting with the game?

We aren't only just playing the game but we are also following the niche/individual narrative and story line. More like a film by using youthful animations. 
Does the game appeal to a mainstream or a niche audience? How?
This game was inspired by the rubber hose style of animation used in cartoons of the 1930s (e.g. Disney by Walt Disney)Appeals to a niche audience by using the intertexuality to old black/white cartoons, appeals to families, both adults/parents as well as the children. Therefore, makes this game more mainstream. Renowned for its challenging difficulty, which makes this game appeal to mostly a older audience. An animated series based on the game is in production by Netflix. This promotes the game more by drawing more attention to this interlinked media product on different platforms/ technologies.

What is the preferred reading of the game? 
The preferred reading would be the ideology that this is a vintage game referencing some of the animation used in cartoons in 1930s. Stereotypical by using animations and cartoons and 'childish' looking characters you think that this game is hard but it actually opposes that stereotype, and is shockingly much harder and difficult that it looks.


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