The study of representation


Related theories: 

Stuart Hall - representation
Lizbet Van Zoonen - feminist theory
Bell Hooks - feminist theory

The study of representation looks at: 
1. The group or place or issue on which media product is focusing 
2. The media language the media product uses in order to present these groups or issues.
3. The ideological perspective about the group or issue being created within the product. 

The Returned: 

Main Characters: Camille

  • Stereotypical teenage girl, she initially apologises for being back late and staying up to make food. Stereotypical for her mother to be worried whilst she was gone. 
  • Her mum looks after her whilst she is still in shock, she gets her a towel for her bath. 
  • Camille's image is very innocent and shows adolescence, she is wearing lots of colour, no makeup.
  • Typical teenage behaviour she is rude and lacks respect for her mum, comes in abrupt and does what she wants. Has an attitude about a cup on the kitchen table. 
  • Claire's (her mum) actions show her hesitance to do anything overdramatic or sudden, she stays in shock for a while. 
  • She eventually calls her ex husband  to get some advice and tell him, stereotypical for the woman to run to the man for any sense of help or guidance  
  • The music/sound effects adds to the atmosphere, it is very earry, nothing dramatic. 
  • The audience could infer that this woman is seeing her dead daughter, stereotypical that a woman is going 'crazy' in the head. 
  • supports the argument that Les Revenants depict a diverse range of subversive representations which allow the producer to explore and to challenge dominant ideological perspectives. 
  • Stereotypical home nurse, lives on her own
  • She is portrayed as a very isolated, lonely character, she is very mysterious
  • Can be argued that w how she dealt with this lost kid is wrong.
  • She chose not to call the police, the little boy made her feel bad.
  • Suggested to be an introvert, not people friendly, when Simon comes knocking in the apartments she is reluctant to let him in and doesn't question him or talk to him at all. 
  • These ideologies about her make the audience feel comfortable about this character and question what her purpose is. 
  • When her neighbour see's her with this boy (victor) she doesn't even ask for her help or advice instead leads her to believe that Victor is actually her son 


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