les revenants trailer: 


  • Mature audience
  • audience with the interest of of thrillers/drama series.
  • Uses Critics reviews on this show as a convention of advertisement, e.g sunday times - sophisticated, up market company with a well educated audience, creating a broad audience. 
  • Sunday times is an english newspaper company, promoting this internationally. 
  • Daily telegraph claiming it's a stylish series 

Genre convention 

  • Includes edited shots of a hands on a foggy glass, used as promotion, with having watched the titles of the show in the first episode they also used this shot, they reused it to create suspense and juxtapose the other shots - very gothic, typical thriller convention.
  • Genre hybridity - Romance, thriller, drama, horror 


  • Represents mostly young teenagers - targets a younger audience, allows audience to be able to relate to some of the characters. 
  • Doesn't include a culturally diverse cast
  • Very extreme close-ups of female characters faces - usually looking very emotive 'poairetic code' creating climax, making the audience questioning why they are sad etc
  • Victor comforting Julie - despite age, still an example of patriarchal hegemony - Simon trying to win back Adele 
  • Lena is represented to be a very strong willed character, she is uncomfortable with her dead sister coming back to life. Unlike the other characters who are mostly relived to see their 'loved ones returned'. 

Narrative codes 

  • enigma codes e.g. scene with the 'returned' in the forests, left on a cliff hanger at the end with the little boy who the audience is lead to believe is one of the retuned; is still standing on the road after the crash - suggesting he actually never died. 
  • Sense of romance - (Simon/ Adele - mid shot of them kissing) 
  • Hermeneutic code - every sequence raises questions and enigmas of the narrative - murderer of Amy, change in representation - ghosts to killers 
  • Picks out the key moments and highlights of the most intriguing bits - creating enticing moments 
  • Binary oppositions 
  • Action codes 
  • Symbolic code - symbolising the dead coming back to life, reflections in glass - ghosts  

Technical codes

  • Direct mode of address - 'what would you do' - aligning with characters and their questions
  • Editing  - pace starts slow and builds in pace/ matched with music 
  • Cross dissolve - reinforces the themes of ghost, done is many transitions
  • Reviews from newspapers - 'the most stylish TV drama of the year' mainstream, well regarded newspaper - reputable source 
  • Mise-en-scene - exotic, foreign, not typical - more attractive to a British audience 
  • Text used to advertise matches the colour grade of the text. 
  • Certain style that connotes drama, dark themes, enigma, complex. 

Marketing and Advertisement for 'les revenants' 
les revenants trailer: 


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