Jean Baudrillard suggested that “We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” Evaluate the extent to which this postmodernist statement applies Humans and Les Revenants

  • polysemic spell check 
  • 2 key scenes 

Compared with the past, David Gauntlett argues that in the media today ‘we no longer get singular, straightforward messages about ideal types of male and female identities.’ Evaluate the validity of this claim with reference to the set episode of Humans and Les Revenants

  • Humans - characters are perceived to be stereotypical but are rebellious in the end 
  • Used as a parody to commonly held stereotypes and judgements. 
  • les revenants - camille comes home, rude to mum, rebellious.
  • tv constructs ideologies

Liesbet Van-Zoonen argues that media language encodes how male and female characters act in media products. Explore how representations position the audience in Humans and Les Revenants


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