Theories list



1. Semiotics - Roland Barthes 

  • Signs
  • Signify
  • Signifier 
2. Narratology - Tzetan Todorov 
  • Narratology is the study of narrative and narrative structure and the ways that these affect our perception.
  • Equilibrium 
3. Genre theory - Steve Neale 
  • genres all contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the to the economy of the genre.
  • Genre consists of mixing stereotypes and individual conventions 
4. Structuralism - Claude Levi- Strauss
  • It asserts that human culture, being the set of learned behaviours and ideas that characterise a society, is just an expression of the underlying structures of the human mind.
  • Binary oppositions


6. Theories of representation - Stuart Hall
  • Stuart Hall argues that representation is the production of the meaning of the concepts in our mind through language.
  • Links between concepts and the language. 
7. Theories of identity - David Gauntlet 
  • Gauntlet believes that despite many negative perceptions of the media, audiences are capable of constructing their own identities through what they see on television.
  • writes how there are many more representations of gender than the traditional 'gender binary'. 
8. Feminist theory - Lisbet Van Zoonen
  • Gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media products
  • Women's bodies are used in media products as a spectacle for heterosexual male audiences, which reinforces patriarchal hegemony (men dominating society).
9. Feminist theory - Bell Hooks 

  • Feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women.
  • Feminism is not a lifestyle choice: it is a political commitment

    Media Industries 

    12. Power and the media industries - Curren and Seaton 
    • The media is controlled by a small number of companies primarily driven by profit and power
    • More socially diverse patterns of ownership can create more varied and adventurous media productions - creating a better and more diverse industry.
    13. Regulation theory - Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt 
    • The increasing power of global media corporations, together with the rise of convergent media technologies and transformations in the production, having placed regulations at risk in the industry.
    14. Cultural industries - David Hesmondhalgh 

    • Horizontal Integration - Where a company buys other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences. 
    • Vertical integration  - when a company buys one key stage of a production 


    16. Cultivation theory - George Gerbner 
    • Television (and by extension other tools of mass media distributions) present a mainstream view of culture, ignoring everything else.
    • Criticised theory as T.V is argued to be a less used platform nowadays. Therefore creates a smaller perception which is just ignored by those who don't watch television.

    17. Reception theory - Stuart Hall 
    • 'Preferred reading' - The 'Right' way of reading a particular text, which can be enforced by positioning. 
    • This concept has to be approached carefully: often texts intentionally have multiple meaning/readings, and of course, as we have discovered, audiences can potentially get whatever they want out of any media source. 
    • Hall categorised audience response into three separate groups.


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