
  • What is representation?
  • Representation is a re-presentation. By who?
  • And for what purpose?
  • For what function?
  • For what ideal?
  • And who does this impact upon?
  • Both the target audience and the group being represented.
What roles do women/sythns adopt in Humans?
  • Mother
  • Caregiver
  • Prostitute 
  • Maid
  • Butler
  • Friend
  • Slave
  • Rebel 
Madonna/Whore complex

Sigmund freud developed a theory to explain men's anxiety towards women's sexuality, suggesting that men define women into one of two categories: the Madonna (women he admires and respects) and the whore (women he is attracted to and therefore disrespects).

The Madonna is typically virtuous, nurturing, saintly and sexually repressed. It can be argued that the Madonna figure in HUMANS is Anita, as she is idolised by everybody else. 

The Whore is sensual, sexualised and desirable without purity. 

Textual analysis: The brothel scene/closing montage
  • What representations of gender are encoded in these scenes? There are many dominant male characters around these scenes, emphasises the exploitation of the women roles. The women are sexualised and used to reinforce darker themes of this series. objectification to create the ideology that women are used like an object only for a single purpose 


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