Structure - Intro

Comparison front covers 

Tap advert vs Soap advert - theory van zoonen feminism, gender is constructed through codes and conventions of media product, and the idea of what is male and female changes over time. Objectifies womens bodies as a specitace for hetrosexual male audieneces

Stuart hall - reception theory, Womans magazine has dominant reading of patriarchal society, adbusters has less conforming codes 

End paragraph/ Max factor vs Loui bouton (commodity fetishism) 

Woman magazine is published by IPC, for this particular edition it was published in 1937,Since this was a mainstream magazine company in the industry at the time, there were standards and regulation standards to keep up with therefore this magazine was published weekly with a very low cover price, with affordable prices, many woman imparticular could purchase this during the post-war period, and consequently this magazine and the ideologies portrayed had a massive influence on the audience. In contrast to this, Adbusters is published only six times a year by the adjusters media foundation, 1989 to present day with the price of £10.99, which can be seen as contradictive since they Agree on anti-consumerist/commercial ideologies. Both magazine publishers encodes deeper meaning to manipulate the audience into certain viewpoints and perspectives. 

Adbusters cover - 
  • This cover is very intense, which is very subversive to a typical magazine and the morals of a typical magazine. 
  • No cover lines, slogan, Tag lines, multiple images: Contrasting to the magazines in the market; anti-conventional cover. 
  • Mast-head: plain, white sans serif font clearly  visible top of the cover - partially unclear and covered by the 'pasted over' effect. Very ambiguous and non-conforming. 
  • Social /political issues and message: Time for a radical rethink of what is considered a normal lifestyle and environment.  
  • Not a for-profit magazine, fighting back against hostile takeover of our environments. 
  • The gesture codes of the solider looks very animalistic and violent, similar to the Planet of the ape film, In similar position and Muse en Scene. 

Woman magazine cover - 
  • Creates more of an innocent image of Women
  • Stereotyped white english housewife 
  • More direct, personal ideology
  • Happy gesture codes 
  • Looks like she has been influenced by all the advice and tips that are mentioned inside this magazine  
  • Saracatic/false ideologies created 
  • The 'maternal' everyday woman. 
  • conforming for partiarchal society and some of the standards set in society at the time, Magazines at the time were not regulated as often therefore due to this industry being mainly dominated by heterosexual male publishers they liberated over any decisions.


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