
The ways in which a media product constructs the world and aspects in it, including social groups, individuals, issues and events.

Formation beyonce (2016) 

  • Lemonade album 
  • Grammy award of song of the year. 
In what ways are the themes of conflict (binary oppositions) encoded in this video?
  • Conflict between the police and a black minority.
  • Conflict between women and men
  • There is a lot of conflict between the empowerment vs the reality of it. 
  • American laws and some american state
  • Police brutality
What are the functions and the purposes of this music video?
  • To spread a sense of empowerment to the audience.
  • To reinforce some real conflict in the world
  • To spread awareness 
  • The hurricane in new orleans heavily affected the black community at the time, spreading  awareness or the lack of awareness that was at the time. 

What groups are represented in this music video? How? Message? 
  • A black community in America.
  • Represents african americans in America 

Are these representations typical or subversive? 
  • This is a subversive music video that goes against stereotypes to show real empowerment. 
  • Uses some stereotypes 
  • Sexualises body image to emphasise empowerment, uses sexualised imagery to create a sense if power. 


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