Objectification - When something or someone is seen as an object which can be of a pocession. 
Male gaze - the perspective of a notionally typical heterosexual man considered as embodied in the audience or intended audience for films and other visual media
Voyeurism - Gaining pleasure from watching other people, who don't know their being watched.
Sexualisation - When something or someone is objectified with sexual references and suggests sexual connotations.
Scopophilia - sexual pleasure derived chiefly from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity; voyeurism.

Discuss the representation of women in the music video Rip-Tide by Vance joy.

Make reference to key terms and media language.  

  • James Keogh, better known by his stage name Vance Joy, is an Australian singer and songwriter. His music can be typical categorised as indie/pop music.
  • This music video demonstrates what is exactly being said in the lyrics.
  • Producers encode meaning and represent women in their stereotypical form and how they are conveyed in the media.  

DEFINITION (what is representation)
  • representation is a powerful tool that producers use to encode meaning and ideologies around women's representation. 
  • Subversive representation, 

ARGUMENT (What could our argument be?)

  • They mock generalised stereotypes around women's image in a very subversive way against mainstream media.
  • Mocking parody to encode deeper meaning of the kind of things women in society have to face. 
  • Many shots of women in stereotypical male clothing. Low angle M/S of women holding arms in a gesture that connotes power.
  • M/S of blonde women in bound in MES of tight ropes connotes the restrictions that women face in society, and is critical of the notion of women as a 'weaker sex' - connotative of 'being tied down' with maternal responsibilities.
  • Bell Hooks demonstrates how women goes through the struggle of challenging patriarchal society and therefore lead for them to be represented as the victim. E.G in stereotypical films i.e horror or heroic films there are suggested to be the weaker sex and be a first victim of harm.

CONTEXT (though what texts are we exploring this argument?)
  • Objectified angles 
  • Sexualised scenes 

Representation is a powerful tool that producers use to encode meaning and ideologies around how women in society can be portrayed. James Keogh, better known by his stage name Vance joy is an Australian singer/song writer. His music can be typically categorised as indie/pop music. Vance Joy an the producers of this music video uses the representation of women to emphasise the continuous mocking parody of sexism in the music industry to emphasise how blind the audience is to it. 

The subversive music video  demonstrates exactly what is being said in the lyrics but lacks the use of anchorage which is very stereotypical of other mainstream music videos. This encodes deeper meaning and forces the audience to make their own assumption, simultaneously providing sexual gratis faction for male heterosexual audience, but also consistently informs the audience that scopophilia is creepy and not acceptable in society. This idea can relate to Bell Hooks theory, she believes that feminism is a struggle to end patriarchal hegemony and the domination of women, and that feminism is not a lifestyle choice: but a political commitment. This is demonstrated in the music video in the muse en scene of the blonde women in bound and the muse en scene of tight ropes connotes the restrictions that women face in society, and is critical of the notion of women as a 'weaker sex' which encodes the deeper meaning that women 'only' have maternal responsibilities and is seen as the initial weaker victim. The ideology of women being the identity of being the weaker sex is also reinforced through the film industry i.e. horror films or heroic film. 


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