Compare and contrast the different ways that women and Adbusters position their audience?

Audience pleasures, uses and gratification -

similar lifestyles - seeing people of a similar age, social situation and with similar ideologies to the target audience.

Escapism - by assuming that the life of the target audience is flawed, a media product can be temporarily allow a perfect world to live in.

surveillance/voyeurism - allows the target audience to see situations an people that they would not normally see.

sexual gratification - where the target audience take pleasure in seeing other people that they find attractive.

social interaction - where the audience are able to use the media product to make friends and integrate in society.

Women's magazine - soap cover
  • This is an image that is used to create inspirational pleasures from the audience
  • Creates ideologies that she holds 'perfect' aspired features e.g. body type, lifestyle, mood
  • For the model being a heterosexual female, the target audience would be narrowed down to specific male audience to create pleasure and make them be appealed by the advert
  • This can be degrading and put pressure on those who cannot live up to these standards.
Preferred reading - E.g Adbusters having the preferred reading of being anti-consumerist and controversial . 
  • The 'right way' of reading a text, which can be enforced by positing 
  • This concept has to be approached carefully; often texts intentionally have multiple meanings/readings , and of course as we have discovered, audiences get whatever they want out of any media text. 
 ( Stuart Hall and audience response )

Hall categorised audience response into three separate groups.

Dominant Reading - the audience with the dominant values in the text, and agrees with the value and the ideologies that show 

Adbusters - Red- soled shoes 

Ideology of the producer - Wants be controversial and subversive against the capitalist market in the world.

Preferred reading - Wants to be very subversive and provoke thoughts around the damage caused from a consumerist market. 

Dominant reading - that adbusters are using culture jamming to mock this consumerist, wealthy company that is typically for those with more money and status. The iconic red sole is used to create double meaning and a very serious message.


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