How does Adbusters conform to and subvert stereotypical representations of gender?
- The importance of what this model looks like or the gender of the model is not significant since things that are shown in the top image are really happening in the world and it is of a bigger significance.
- Mocking magazines and the fashion industry, showing that magazines should show the true situations that people are facing rather than promoting fashion and consumerism.
- Evidence of this is how the image is equally split up in half to make one whole image. This reinforces that is a side-by-side comparison to emphasise binary oppositions like class, wealth.
- Therefore, this subverts against the stereotypical ideology of what the model actually might look like.

- The gender in this is again very unclear since you can only imply that someone is sitting in a bath. This reinforces what this advert/article is actually about.
- Because there is not much to physically to look at, the audience pays less attention to what gender it is, so they pay more attention to what is actually said.
- This double spread article shows how consumerism in the world brings so much focus and significance of an object such as a tap.
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