Brand identity 

"Brand identity is how a business presents itself to, and wants to be perceived by, its consumers"

Essential aspects:

  1. Target audience
  2. The style of it 
  3. When it comes out/published e.g. weekly, yearly

Women's Magazine:
  • Creates more of an innocent image of Women
  • Stereotyped white english housewife 
  • More direct, personal ideology
  • Happy gesture codes 
  • Looks like she has been influenced by all the advice and tips that are mentioned inside this magazine  
  • Saracatic/false ideologies created 
  • The 'maternal' everyday woman. 

Vogue Magazine cover:

  • Appears more cultured, goes against the very stereotypical white english housewife. Instead she is dressed in exotic, colourful clothing, with matching jewellery. Potraying she is bold, wealthy and put a lot of effort into  


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