Why do producers use representation?

Why do producers use representation? 

Entertainment value 
Ideological reasons 
Financial reasons
To create a sense of narrative  

1. Different perspectives:


In what ways can (media products) incorporate 

The box hammer secludes the the narrative of the actual story is used to emphasise the seriousness of this article, makes it a proper police investigation. This is an enigma code because the audience/reader doesn't know how or when in this case it was used for. The reader questions this article and what they visually see. 

Sentimental photos of the family tells the audience what this article is roughly about. symbolises that they are a happy close family. Order of photos makes the audience think of the things that possibly has happened. 

Picture of the baby that tragically died, looking very sad. This is a semiotic code and makes the audience feel guilty and want to read on.

The times perspective: 

Main headline: 

"Man held after toddler dies in hammer attack" 

This headline is very dramatic and emphasises the brutality of this specific case. on front page, the anchorage of highlighted words under certain images or speech: 'Screaming', 'Grim scene' these highlighted phrases do not make sense, however it creates more emphasis on  how serious this is. It also makes these words jump out at the reader so it creates a dominant ideology. 


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